Name: Noah
Program: 24/25 AY
Country: Austria
Gender: Boy
Age: 15
Years of English: 6
Last Grade: 10
Religion: Christian - Attends: Never
Interests: Volleyball, Soccer/ Football, Cooking, Board Games, Weightlifting, Video Games

Hi, I'm Noah! I am a person who enjoys to be on this wonderful planet. I appreciate everything that I have. I want to make some new experiences about America, the food, get to know new sports, new traditions and hopefully much more. For me it is important to have a really nice time and to collect memories that i will never forget.

Student Letter:

Hello, my name's Noah.

I'm really looking forward to my exchange year and in this letter, I'm going to tell you a few things about myself.

I'm excited to explore new places, dive into different cultures, or just see what a typical day's like for an American high school student. I'm especially looking forward to try new food or enjoy the luxury of a free refill! 

Just last week, a friend got a rugby ball, and we tried tossing it around. I thought it'd be easy, but it was tougher than expected. After a few hours of practice, some of us started to get the hang of it. I haven't fully mastered it yet, but I'm getting there!

I also do some other types of sport. I'm very interested in soccer and volleyball. On weekends me and my friends often play volleyball near the river Donau. It's the biggest river in Austria and sometimes we go swimming there. But you have to be really careful cause of the current!

 I also do weightlifting. It's something my brother showed me, and it became one of our main activities to do together. We regularly train 3 to 4 times a week and sometimes we also grab some type of burger on the way home. 

I also love to cook. I really cook everyday. I don't care if it's some type of breakfast or dinner, I like to stay in the kitchen, listen to music and prepare some delicious meal. I love to make smash burgers, cause in my city they are really expensive. A good burger here costs around 11 euros and that's tough.

And of course, fashion. I love clothes. I often go to flea markets or vintage shops to look out for some new pieces. For me it´s important to keep an eye on my budget, so most of the time I shop second hand cause it´s a lot cheaper. 

All in all I would say that I‘m an open minded, creative and communicative boy who is looking forward to get to know his host family:-)

Hope to meet you soon! 

Name: Antonio
Program: 24/25 AY
Country: Spain
Gender: Boy
Age: 15
Years of English: 10
Last Grade: 10
Religion: Christian - Attends: Seldom
Interests: Soccer/ Football, Tennis, Diving, Fishing, Fitness, Travel

Hi, I'm Antonio! I´m a friendly, open and courious guy who lives in a small city in the south of Spain. I am very sporty, I practice a lot of exercise and different sports. I really enjoy meeting my friends, doing different plans and talking with them about our lives. I am quite active, usually I do activities as going to see my family abroad, going to the beach, etc,. And I´m willing to get to know to my host familly and sharing experiences with them.

Student Letter:


I am Antonio and I am 15 years old. First of all thank you all for giving me an opportunity. I am from a little city in the south of Spain. I want to say I´ve always loved spending time with my parents and family and we usually enjoy doing activities such as cooking together, going to the countryside, visiting my grandma once or twice a month and we always travel abroad one or two times. Basically we love doing different plans and spendind quality time together which I think it is really nice thing to do. Making memories together. We also usually watch lots of films in our house, is a hobby that we share.

Talking about myself so you can get to know me a little bit more, I just want to say I am very active boy, and I love sports. It´s basic thing to do but I am very keen on cooking, I would like to clarify I am not very good at cooking, but I enjoy doing it, and I would really appreciate helping with an authentic American barbecue, so maybe you can show me how to do it properly! I would also enjoy going to see a NBA match, because since I was a child I´ve always loved playing basket and this would be like a dream for me. I like animals, in special dogs and I am very keen on playing with our dog.

As I said before I love spending time with my family, but also with my friends, I like hanging out with them, doing different plans, talking about different things or just about our lives, I am very sociable.

In conclusion I just want to thank you all for reading my letter and if you choose me, I am going to do my best and make sure you aren’t going to  regret of choosing me.

I can´t wait to share experiences and culture with my host family and new friends, in my opinion that is the most important part of this experience.

Thank you


Name: Henrique
Program: 24/25 AY
Country: Brazil
Gender: Boy
Age: 16
Years of English: 2
Last Grade: 11
Religion: Catholic - Attends: Monthly
Interests: Debating, Drama or Theater, Golf, Politics, Soccer/ Football

My name is Henrique, I am 16 years old, brazilian. I love old songs, I love to be with with my family especially my grandparents. I also like pets and small kids. I love all kinds of sports, especially soccer. I’m an extrovert, I like to talk with people, and meet new people and new places, I love traveling and make new friends. I love to make a barbecue with my family during the weekends. I would love to make you a Brazilian barbecue.

Student Letter:


My name is Henrique! I am 16 years old, and I from the South of Brazil. I have 2 brothers that live with me, my parents and my dog that I love very much. My brothers are twins and they are 14 years old. Their names are Theo and Arthur, we play soccer together. My parents names are Jorge and Janaina, they are both entrepreneurs, with my dad I go to gym, sauna and discuss about politics and business, with my mom I cook , play beach tennis and watch movies. I love being with my family most of all, finding my greatest joy when we are all together. I am especially close to my grandpa Jorge, who has Alzheimer's, and I enjoy taking care of him. We have fun going out to eat and swimming together, creating lots of special memories. Cooking for my family is my favorite thing to do.

About me, I love soccer a lot and sports in general, my family is very important to me, I see my grandparents a lot and I am really close to them. I play videogame, I play golf, and I am teaching my mom how to play. I love the beach and water.

I’m extrovert I like talk with people , and meet new people and new places, I love traveling and make new friends. I love to make a barbecue to my family during the weekends. I would love to make you a Brazilian barbecue when I am there. I am passionate about learning Brazilian history and old Brazilian songs, and I am excited to share my rich culture with my host family and friends.

Thank you so much for choosing me, I can´t wait to meet you.

See you soon.


Name: Floris
Program: 24/25 AY
Country: Netherlands
Gender: Boy
Age: 17
Years of English: 5
Last Grade: 11
Religion: None - Attends: Never
Interests: Soccer/ Football

Hi, I'm Floris. I am a really happy, outgoing person and I always love to make as many friends as possible! I love the water, and everything that comes with it, such as: swimming, sailing, and being on boats on the open water. I also play rugby and I play soccer and golf, just for fun. I'm excited to experience the American life!

Student Letter:

Hi there! 

My name is Floris and I am a 17 years old boy. I live in a medium-sized city in the Netherlands. I have an older brother Hugo (21) and 2 older step sisters Demi (25) and Robin (22). And of course, a father, mother, step-parents and two dogs.

I‘m going to do the 11th grade exams this year (high school in the Netherlands is a bit different than in the US) after which I would love to experience life and learning in America for a year. I'm writing this letter because I'm very excited about the opportunity to stay with your family in America. I hope you're all doing well and I am looking forward to meet you!

Besides experiencing the ordinary American life, I am very much looking forward to the various (extra) curricular opportunities such as sports. I am very interested in water sports such as surfing and sailing. Learning to catch a wave with a surfboard seems very cool to me. I've been playing rugby most of my life in the Netherlands and I think it would be really fun to maybe pick up some of the American football culture and skills as well.

Aside from school, sports and the 'normal' things I would also love to see more of your beautiful country and experience new things whether it's trying new foods, exploring the area, or just hanging out together.

Thanks so much for opening your home to me. I can't wait to meet you!

Best wishes,


Name: Emil
Program: 24/25 FS
Country: Germany
Gender: Boy
Age: 14
Years of English: 9
Last Grade: 9
Religion: Christian - Attends: Seldom
Interests: Basketball, Computers / Tech, Cooking, Skiing or Snowboarding, Soccer/ Football, Climbing

My name is Emil. I live in the north of Germany. I live with my to parents in an really beautiful urban area where I also go to school and have many friends who live only some minutes away. I am very much into sports and I like being active and outside, meeting my friends and for playing basketball and a lot of other activities. I also like spending time with my family.

Student Letter:

Dear Host Family,

I hope you are doing fantastic.

My name is Emil and I was born in Hamburg, Germany in August, 2009. I like a lot of activities from various sports also to music and cultural things.

My father is from Hamburg and my mother is originally from Lerum, Sweden. I speak German as my native language but have been speaking Swedish since I was very little.

If I would have to describe myself I would say that I am generally a very interested person and I am curious to learn and explore. I have a lot of really good friends from. My friends see me as a loyal person and someone you can have fun with. If something serious happens I also can be serious and be there for my friends if they need me.

Here in Germany, I live in a large city. It always was one of the biggest trading habors in Europe, it has a lot of cultural influences and people from around the world. There are a lot of activities you can do here. Especially in the area where we live, there are many basketball courts and sports fields, so we are often playing basketball or soccer. Besides sport, I often go to the city center where there are many beautiful places. For example a lake in the middle of the city that is connected to many canals that are going through the whole city area. In summertime I often meet my friends to rent a boat to row on the canals or we take stand up paddle boards if it is really warm.

With my family I enjoy travelling a lot and this year we went to California which was so interesting and we have seen many cool places. Cities as well as national parks and many wonderful spots.

I am really excited to travel to the US and spend more time there and especially meeting my host family. I hope we will have an great time together. I am really looking forward to learn more about the American Way of Life, culture, history and sports.

As I mentioned before, I am very much into basketball and would like to train on a team. I also really like cooking and trying out different recipes from around the world, sometimes it works sometimes not.

And while I want to learn a lot about US culture, maybe I can share some German and Swedish habits with my host family.

I hope this letter finds you well and I hope to hear soon from you.

Kind regards

